
Showing posts from May, 2020

Basil & parmesan creamy asparagus soup

Spring is the best season for the nutritious asparagus! First of all, let's see how it's grown... The stalks shoot up from the crown of the plant and grow into fern-like leaves when they are allowed to develop. However, the edible stalks are harvested strictly by hand before the actual fern leaves develop. You have to be patient to grow your own asparagus: It takes three years from the sowing of the seed to the harvest of the first stalks. Asparagus is one of the few vegetables that is grown as a perennial since the plants have about a 10-year life. Did you know ? The plants are either male or female. The female produces seeds, which not only reduce the size of the stalks but also crowd the beds with seedlings. Since the males do not expend energy making seeds, their stalks are larger and more desirable. Asparagus Varieties Green asparagus : Most American asparagus is of this variety, which ranges from pencil-thin to very thick. White : Preferred in Europe, these sun