Goat Cheese puff pastry, Fresh herbs salad, honey and black salt

INGREDIENTS (4 servings)
300g puff pastry
1 egg medium size
50g pistachios, 50g almonds
½ Sainte-Maure goat cheese
1 Golden apple
20g honey
30ml olive oil
Table salt, mix of 5 peppers
Fleur de sel, ground pepper

Herbs salad
50g roquette salad
½ bouquet of chervil, ½ bouquet of chive
3 branches of tarragon
20ml walnut and sunflower oils (50/50)
Black salt, table salt, and pepper

Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).
Roll out the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper on 2 mn thickness. Cover with a bit of mixed ground peppers). Reserve in the fridge.
Brush the surface of the puff pastry with beaten egg. Sprinkle with finely chopped pistachios, almonds and fleur de sel.
Cover with parchment paper and another baking tray and bake 15 to 20 minutes at 350°F. Halfway through cooking, turn the tray. Cool on a rack.
Remove the rind from the Sainte-Maure gaot cheese, and store in freezer.
Peel and slice the apple. Sauté in a non-stick pan with a drop of olive oil until you get a light brown color. Reserve on a plate.
Slice the goat cheese thinly and place on half of the puff pastry baked. Then cover with the sautéed apple slices, overlapping slightly.
In a bowl, combine honey and olive oil, season with salt. Spread the seasoning on the goat cheese and apple slices. Cover with remaining puff pastry and cut regular rectangles or squares.
Keep warm for 2 minutes in the oven. The inside should not be too hot.
In a saucepan, over how heat, combine the olive oil with honey and black salt.

Herbs salad : Finely chop the herbs, combine with roquette. Prepare the vinaigrette with half walnut oil, half sunflower oil, season with salt and pepper.

Put the herbs salad in the center of the plate. Top with goat cheese puff pastry. Surround by a drizzle of olive oil with honey and black salt.


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