Ratatouille Provencale

Ratatouille is an exquisite Mediterranean vegetables French stew, made with zucchinis, red and yellow peppers, onions and garlic, eggplants, and tomatoes. It can be served aside to a meat or fish, but also in small dishes for the aperitif, like Spanish-style tapas. Think about it !

5 garlic cloves
4 large onions
2 eggplants
5 zucchinis
6 tomatoes
1 pepper (yellow or red)
olive oil
salt and pepper

Peel the eggplants and the tomatoes. The technique for the tomatoes is to make a cross on top with a knife, and put it 1 minute in boiling water. Remove it and put in a bowl of iced water to stop the cooking. You can remove the skin easily.
Do not peel the zucchinis (prefer to buy organic ones), as this vegetable melt quickly in cooking. With the skin it will be ferm and the color of the skin is nicer in a dish.
Dice the zucchinis, eggplants, peales tomatoes (remove the seeds for only keeping the meat), and pepper.
Precook each ingredient with crushed garlic and thin dices of onion separatly in a pan with olive oil over high heat for 8 minutes.
Then combine all vegetables in a pot, and cook together for 15 minutes.
Serve in small dishes decorated with fresh sliced basil leaves.

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