
Showing posts from October, 2011

Green and Black olives Tapenade

Another great speciality from Provence : La Tapenade, a delightful green or black olives purée that is served - like anchoiade - for aperitif, or aside a fish baked steamed in parchment paper. INGREDIENTS Green tapenade : 70% green olives, 30% blanched almonds, juice of one lemon, olive oil (100ml for a cup of olives) Black tapenade : 70% pitted black olives, 15% anchovies in oil, 15% capers, olive oil DIRECTIONS Green tapenade : mix all ingredients in the bowl of the food processor. It's ready ! Black tapenade : Remove the bones of the anchovies, rince it, drain it and use it when dry. Drain the capers. Mix all ingredients in the bowl of the food processor. You can check the seasoning with ground pepper, but never salt as olives and anchovies are already salted. Present in a nice little bowl, and keep in fridge (covered with plastic film) until you serve.  Tapenade is terrific on croutons or with a crispy baguette.  I suggest that you serve it for the ape

Anchoiade : anchovies cream for "Apéritif à la Française"

INGREDIENTS   A can of anchovies in salt 3 garlic gloves 1 egg yolk 1 tbsp mustard (Moutarde de Dijon) Olive oil Pepper DIRECTIONS Rince the anchovies under clear cold water. Drain until dry. Put olive oil in a saucepan. Add the anchovies, and cook over low heat until the anchovies are melted. Reserve. Peel 3 garlic gloves, remove the germ, and chop it. Put garlic, anchovies and a part of olive oil (the one you used for melting the fish) in the bowl of your food processor. Mix until you get the smooth consistency of a purée. If the purée is too thick, add more olive oil. Check seasoning with ground pepper. Never salt it, as the anchovies are already salted ! Prepare a mayonnaise with one egg yolk (at room temperature), and the mustard. Whisk while pouring the oil little by little. Anchoiade is an authentic Provence speciality that is served for the apéritif, with croutons, or sliced raw vegetables such as cauliflower, carrots, etc. 

Ratatouille Provencale

Ratatouille is an exquisite Mediterranean vegetables French stew, made with zucchinis, red and yellow peppers, onions and garlic, eggplants, and tomatoes. It can be served aside to a meat or fish, but also in small dishes for the aperitif, like Spanish-style tapas. Think about it ! INGREDIENTS  5 garlic cloves 4 large onions 2 eggplants 5 zucchinis 6 tomatoes 1 pepper (yellow or red) olive oil salt and pepper DIRECTIONS Peel the eggplants and the tomatoes. The technique for the tomatoes is to make a cross on top with a knife, and put it 1 minute in boiling water. Remove it and put in a bowl of iced water to stop the cooking. You can remove the skin easily. Do not peel the zucchinis (prefer to buy organic ones), as this vegetable melt quickly in cooking. With the skin it will be ferm and the color of the skin is nicer in a dish. Dice the zucchinis, eggplants, peales tomatoes (remove the seeds for only keeping the meat), and pepper. Precook each ingredient with

Crab and vegetables raviolis, shellfish creamy sauce

INGREDIENTS (6 serving) 18 raviolis squares (you buy it at chinese stores) 200g crab meat 1 carrot 1 zucchini (courgette) 2 egg yolks 15g unsalted butter Creme fraîche Salt and pepper For the stock : carcasse of crabs, 1 leek, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 500ml white wine, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 bouquet garni, 2tbsp tomatoe paste. DIRECTIONS Prepare the stock : Wash vegetables and cut it in large cubes. In a high pot, put the crabs carcasse with 2 tbsp olive oil. Crush it to get the juices. Add vegetables, bouquet garni, and tomatoe paste. Cover with water. Cook over medium heat for 45 mn. Drain through a chinois while crushing all ingredients with a wood stick. Reduce in a sauce pan, until you get the half quantity. Combine with creme fraiche before serving. Keep warm on the stove. Prepare the crab raviolis : Peel the carrot and zucchini. Cut it in small cubes to get a brunoise.  In a pan, add butter and sautée the crab meat with the vegetables brunoise for 5 minutes.

Half-cooked Tuna, sesame seeds / Braised fennels

INGREDIENTS (6 serving) 800g fresh red tuna 30g roasted sesame seeds 100ml hazelnut oil 100ml soja sauce 6 fennels (prefer the medium size ones, and check there's no brown on it) 2 onions 100ml water Olive oil Salt and pepper DIRECTIONS Cut the tuna in thick rectangle pieces of 100g each. Season it. Reserve. Wash the fennels, remove the hard parts. Cut in half lenghtwise, and then slice it thinly. Peel the onions, cut it in two lenghwise as well, and slice it thinly lenghtwise. In a pan, add 50ml olive oil. Warm the oil and add the onions. When the onions are lightly colored, add the fennels. Cook for about 4 minutes. Add water and cook it for 6 more minutes covered. Check the seasoning. Cook until the water is totally evaporated. In a pan, put half of hazelnut oil and warm it over medium heat. At mid cooking time of the fennels, roll the tuna steaks in sesame seeds. Cook the tuna 1 or 2 minutes (depending if you like it very rare...) each side. Cut the tuna i

Chocolate Lava Cake

INGREDIENTS (8 serving) 200g dark chocolate Guanaja 71% 150g unstalted butter 100g all-purpose flour 100g granulated sugar 4 eggs (medium size) 4 egg yolks (keep the whites for making financiers almond cakes !) 8 individual aluminium moulds (muffin size) DIRECTIONS Preheat oven at 400°F (200°C) In a bowl, put 120g unstalted butter and the 200g of chocolate. Melt the ingredients over a water bath ("bain marie" is the technical term in French). You bring water to a simmer in a large saucepan. The bottom of you bowl must deep in water. When the chocolate is perfectly melted, stir to combine and reserve. Separate the whites to the egg yolks. Add 8 egg yolks to your chocolate mixture. Whisk to combine until smooth. Whip the egg whites with a little pinch of salt, until you get a stiff meringue. Add your egg whites little by little, and fold to combine. The chocolate must be well integrated to the whites. Never whisk, as your mixture will deflate. Reserve.